Meet Us

Begin the first step towards the kitchen of your dreams with KATERLO. During your visit, you will meet our passionate team, explore our inspiring models, and start to envision your project taking shape. Once you choose to embark on this journey with KATERLO, we conduct a visit to your space for precise measurements. This ensures a perfect fit of each element in your kitchen to the unique dimensions and style of your home.

Crafting Your Idea

In this phase, we bring your vision closer to reality. After selecting your preferred materials, colors, and accessories, our team diligently works to develop designs that meet your expectations. Once complete, we invite you to review our custom design proposals. After selecting your favored design, we will provide you with a detailed and specific price offer. This comprehensive approach ensures that every element of your kitchen is thoughtfully considered and clearly communicated, setting the stage for the creation of your dream space.


Finalize Your Order

At this stage, you finalize your order, select your financing option, and sign the contract, thus formalizing our collaboration between your vision and our expertise. We then provide you with a complete technical plan, detailing the structural aspects of your space, including electricity, plumbing, and varying ceiling heights. This document will serve as an accurate guide for craftsmen working on the site, ensuring that every detail is executed with precision and in perfect harmony with the established design and specifications.

Transform Your Dreams into Reality

Manufacturing: This is the stage where your plans begin to take shape. This phase is of utmost importance, as it allows for precise cutting, impeccable veneering, and the final assembly of the elements of your dream kitchen, offering a transformative experience. Installation: After a pre-agreed period mentioned in the contract, our skilled team carefully proceeds with the installation of your new kitchen at your home. We pay meticulous attention to every detail to ensure a perfect fit and flawless finish. This is the moment when your vision comes to life, with your custom kitchen taking its rightful place in your home.


Enjoy Your New Kitchen

Our service extends beyond installation, including attentive after-sales service and a 5-year warranty. We are committed to ensuring a worry-free experience with your new kitchen, guaranteeing a swift resolution of any issues and enduring satisfaction that exceeds your expectations, year after year.